Because Psychokinesis and creating Poltergiest (what my family and I had endured for years) are brought upon and into reality through a person's subconscious mind, I wanted to write a post to hopefully explain how this works and it's relation to having the ability to manifest what you want.
After reading this, and visiting my other blog which is about the strange paranormal, hauntings and oddities that my family endured for years, you would know by now that for many years I believed that I and some of my kids had psychic abilities and were "Indigo" which means we can see or sense the dead, among other terrifying supernatural things.
It took me a long time to realize that I or we were actually creating the horrible things that we were experiencing.
In a previous post, I briefly mentioned that I had spent close to 10 years researching where the whole "manifesting" knowledge originated.
This was because my belief was this: in order to understand something thoroughly, one needs a solid foundation and not just a movie that explains the act of manifesting exists and had been a secret for many years or a myriad of short you tube videos that encourage you to stay motivated and to simply "meditate".
BTW the term "The Secret" as in the title of the movie... broken down it is this:
In Arabic AL means "The" and Kimia means "dark mystery (secret) of first matter (Khem in coptic)". Together means "The Secret".
The phrase "The Secret" the title of the movie, is derived from "al-kimia" (The Secret) which refers to the Egyptians, and when translated means "Alchemy".
Alchemy was actually born in ancient Egypt.
There are two types of Alchemy: Physical and Mental. When you are manifesting, you are using "Mental Alchemy" or mental transmutation: which is actually "The principle of mentalism" and it is one of the 7 laws.
"Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted,
from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition;
pole to pole; vibration to vibration. True Hermetic Transmutation
is a Mental Art."- The Kybalion.
I found that the closest to the actual "teachings" provided and are available today come from Neville Goddard who explains it quite simply by stating that "It's your imagination that creates", "You're mind's eye" etc. which is a fantastic way to describe it.
Given that, and early on I dug super deep and eventually found, studied and learned that the ancient teachings are Egyptian.
Today, our best Physicist are now just barely discovering and uncovering the truth to these ancient teachings and laws of the universe.
Although much information is out there about manifesting, It is probable that here is where you will find any teachings related to manifesting that will connect the dots for you, and really provide you with the best advantage to be able to actually manifest what it is that you want and how to avoid manifesting what you don't.
You're ability to manifest is held in utilizing the power of your "mind's eye" (mental transmutation), that is to say: the deep focused attention on a thing and the details of that thing will force your subconscious mind to transmute it into what you experience as your reality.
Think of it this way: Your conscious mind has thoughts all day long and by doing this, it is making suggestions to your subconscious mind. It is only when your subconscious mind agrees with your conscious mind or is "impressed" with a thought that it will make it manifest in your reality.
That is where "feeling", focus, senses and detail come into play.
When your subconscious believes that you are experiencing something right now in reality, it will deliver to you more of it. That is how the Law of attraction works.
The subconscious uses the real-ness of whatever you are experiencing at any given time, based on your thoughts, feelings, your senses (smell is a big one) sight and touch and will throw more of it at you. With practice, you can deliberately use these to create whatever you want in your life. And that is why focus is so important.
Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what you are actually experiencing in reality and what you are only experiencing in your mind's eye through feeling, focus, senses and imagined detail. To your subconscious; they are the same. And so, when you are able to utilize feeling, focus, senses and detail, your subconscious will deliver it or more of it to you in your reality.
My family and I were tortured for years through paranormal events, possessions and hauntings among other oddities as I wrote in my book, and without ever realizing that we were manifesting the issues through our subconscious minds.
At the time, religion played a huge role in our lives and for almost 30 years. God vs the Devil was entwined with our daily lives in pretty much everything we would do.
It was through what some refer to today as Psychokinesis or a Poltergiest that the things that terrified us for so long were manifested into our reality.
Today, I use the same ability to focus, combined with what I have learned over the last 10 years and I now create (manifest) the things that I want rather then the things that I do not want because I now know how it works.
If you would like to learn more about the most recent haunting, read this
My ability to manifest these kinds of things is still a weakness for me or an aid for me, depending on how you want to look at it (Polarity, another law).
But I do at times use it for practice. I do not however under any circumstances advise anyone to use this as something or as a way to practice, as it can get out of control very quickly if you do not know what you are doing or if you are new at manifesting or using mental transmutation.
Practice with the things you want, not with the things you don't want.
The conscious state in
which you abide determines the kind of world in which you live.
present concept of yourself (your self image) is now objectified
and within your environment
- Neville Goddard
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