Friday, January 6, 2023

Don't let desperation sabotage you!


Yes, I am still in the cabin in Vermont.

In a previous post, I was writing about a Ouija board and I alluded to the fact that due to my prior staunch Catholic life brought upon me through my ex husband and mother-in-law for almost 30 years, it was deeply rooted in me that a Ouija board was evil and it had the power to conjure up demonic things.

I also stated in my post that I was trying to teach my oldest daughter a lesson: if you don't believe in it, it can't have power and it can't harm you.

However, after what we had experienced, it turned out to be a super hard and traumatizing lesson for all of us instead because there was a tiny shred of belief of the Ouija board in our (and my) subconscious minds.

There was doubt. The simple hint or suggestion that the Ouija board had any power at all, lingered somewhere in the depths of our subconscious minds.

That tiny shred of doubt in reality (in our 3 dimensional world) created for all of us: a storm of horrible events that snowballed.

This is why:

If you want to believe in a thing that is the opposite of what you have been taught or that you have believed in for a long time, that tiniest shred of doubt that is hiding in your subconscious, will ALWAYS sabotage you until you remove the doubt COMPLETELY.

That is why you will often hear the phrases: Believe in your assumption, Assume you already have it, have faith in your assumption etc.

I wanted to believe that the Ouija board had zero power and I wanted my daughter to believe that as well. But did I really believe it didn't have power?

Due to all of the staunch, daily, Catholic teachings and the fear instilled in me of evil and the Devil, my subconscious quickly honed in on my fear and my doubt and brought that into reality, therefore making all of us suffer the consequence of haunting, possessions and demonic activity and for years long after.

Because after that happened, it only proved to us that the Ouija board did have powers, right? And so the cycle of haunting and demons went on for years.

At that time, once it was confirmed for us that the Ouija board had powers, any doubt at all that it didn't was completely annihilated, and all hell broke loose.

And that is exactly how people get into cycles they don't want. They create something in their life, usually without realizing it (by default), the more they experience it, the more real it becomes and it snowballs good or bad.

Be it poverty, be it wealth etc. I could list hundreds of things here. But most people relate to these two subjects, so I'm using those as examples.

And what this is, is cause and effect at play. Its a Universal law.

If we have a belief in something (it is impressed into our subconscious mind) and then something in our 3 dimensional world so-calls “proves” something to us, we accept it as real and we go with it and it snowballs and creates what we experience in our life.

But, we never realize that we are actually causing it and then experiencing the effects of what we have caused.

It all goes back to the hidden things in your subconscious mind.

We create in our subconscious mind and it then plays out in our 3 dimensional reality.

Most people just don't know that they can control this.

The principle of cause and effect:

"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law."
~ The Kyballion

When a person loses their job, what state of mind are they likely in?

Then bill collectors start hounding them when they can't pay their bills. This offers more proof of a looming financial disaster

Then they get evicted or lose their house, By this point, the person is convinced and they assume that they are facing financial ruin because everything they are experiencing is proving it to them; it's snowballing.

Once a person is at this point, how can they believe otherwise right? How can anyone change the situation that is unfolding right before their eyes when they are living and experiencing the proof of it.

And this is exactly why you need to stop living by default, and start taking control. And I'm telling you, you can.

Remove your focus from the problem (in the above case, looming financial disaster) and focus instead on what you want and where you want to be.

Remember this: Nothing can exist unless you focus on it. Two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. One must disappear. Only you can decide which one that will be, and that is accomplished through your focus and sensing.

It's hard. I'm not going to lie. It's hard when you have unwanted things right in your face. But, that's only because we are experiencing it from a 3 dimensional perspective. To us, it's very real.

It costs absolutely nothing! It takes a relaxed mind, detailed focus, persistence, and...assumption.

If it can be proven to you that financial disaster is looming, and can snowball into what you perceive to be - actual financial disaster, the opposite can also be proven to you and IT too can snowball just as easily.

I walked around my house daily for years
terrified of the “demons” that were attacking my kids, never knowing what was coming next. Terrified that a knife would be thrown at me from across my kitchen to the point that I hid my butcher block and knives on the lowest shelf in my pantry and as far back on the shelf as I could and put a lock on the door. Same with lighters, matches etc.

I was terrified that my house was going to go up in flames while we were sleeping or otherwise because of the fires that had burst, while we were at church. Terrified who was going to be possessed next and what would they be capable of doing to my other kids, me or my husband.

And for every time that the “demons” reared their heads, it only served to prove to me, to all of us more and more that they were real and they were in my home. It was completely out of control and we were desperate for a solution. We had priests coming to bless every nook and cranny of each of our homes and holding masses in my living rooms. 

Because we were living a staunch Catholic life, and because I was taught to believe; that if I had placed the name of Jesus on all windows and doors, and hung a Crucifix over all entrances, the demons couldn't enter. And, so I did that too. And, due to my belief that those things worked, the demonic activity would stop for a while, and all it would take is praying as a family or a noise in the house and it would all begin again because I and we all, believed it.

To this day, I can produce them (demons and ghosts and all kinds of other crazy things) simply by thinking about it. It is still a weakness in my subconscious mind, and it doesn't take long at all for me to produce them once I get into that mode. Once that happens, everyone experiences the fall out because they begin to believe to.

In fact, when we first arrived at our cabin in Vermont, it didn't take long at all before things started to happen. It was absolutely ridiculous.

So, I began writing about them. And, the more I would write, the more would happen because that is where my focus was placed. When I stopped writing about it and switched my focus, it all stopped. Go figure.

The difference for me today is that I direct that power and my focus toward the things that I want to be real, instead of the unwanted.

That said, you cannot create something out of desperation because the Universe will only deliver more of what you do not want because you are sending signals of that feeling, and through the law of attraction (because that' s how it works) the Universe thinks that's what you want more of so it responds.

Again, it costs absolutely nothing. It takes a relaxed mind, detailed focus on what you want, persistence, and...assumption. This page can help provide more details on how to focus on what you want.

So, you want to be someone different? You want a different life? You want money?

Well, you created your current life. You created your today.

And you did it yesterday and the day before etc. If you want a different tomorrow, you need to create it today for your tomorrow.

If you would like to read more stories about the hauntings and demons my family experienced, I self published a book titled: "
No One Would Believe It": A Collection of Short Unbelievable True Stories

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