Sunday, January 15, 2023

The real reason people are not happy


This is a good one.

So, you were born into this world, then you had a tomorrow and more tomorrows came and more would come.

But, what thrusts you into this moving forward series of events that we experience every day to begin with, that we call life?

History has proven that parents could have the best of intentions, and they could want the best life for their kids. Many parents even live every day to provide the best life for the kids.

How is it that many of these kids venture down a path in life living the complete opposite direction of what their parents intended.

Where does this come from?

If a child or children in the same family are raised a certain way and yet end up going down a different path then what his or her parents intended, how does that happen?

One could argue that life events caused this “seemingly by chance” path to occur which would be both correct and incorrect.

It is the child who makes the choices and the decisions and there is reason for this. The child is not thrust into a different life or to follow a different path “by chance”.

If you were to retrace the life of the child, you would find that all of the decisions, every single one of them were made by the child good or bad, and nothing happened by chance.

This is because the child has thoughts that are mostly independent of his or her parents.

When the child has a thought, if it happens to also be experienced by his or her senses such as in a feeling, that thought is impressed into the child's subconscious mind, and that thought begins to grow until it is made material in the life of the child.

Parents can spend hours lecturing their child, they could spend countless days trying to “push” what they want onto the child, but unless the child can experience in his or her senses the actual feeling or desire to do what his parents want for him, its not going to happen because the child's subconscious mind will always win.


Because the subconscious will always hear and answer the thought and feeling that is most dominant of the given individual and not what someone else imposes on another.

I'm not talking about small children here. I'm talking about older kids from let's say 10 or 12 year – old and on. It gets even harder during the adolescent years and now you know why.

The older the child becomes, the more independence they desire because they are their own person and do not see themselves in the same light or as “mutually connected to their parents desires”, as their parents do. The child has their own. 

When you have a child that does exactly what their parents want; jobs, school, profession and becomes exactly what the parents want, all the way into adulthood, that child now an adult, is almost always...very unhappy.

Now earlier I wrote; “But, what thrusts you into this moving forward series of events that we experience every day, to begin with that we call life?”

The answer to that question is this; it is your conscious and subconscious mind that are always working together to literally create events and the tomorrow that you wake up to every day moving forward.

Nothing at all is ever by chance. You literally manifest your life as you are living it and from one day to the next.

The problem is that most people just go day to day sort of by default, simply trudging along believing that life dictates to them what happens, instead of the other way around. I won't get into why because that is a very long post for another day.

However, most people are conditioned from birth. That's it. That's really all there is to it.

They are conditioned to strive for better. There is nothing wrong with that, but the question is whose better are you striving for?

You are for the most part conditioned to believe that “better” means you need to follow the crowd in one sense or another, and you see it every single day:

Follow the crowd who goes to the best colleges to eventually get the best job, because that is what others do, and that is what you are "supposed" to do. 

Follow the crowd who works hard until they are 65 when they can retire, because that's what others do, because that is what you are "supposed" to do.

Follow the crowd to establish a two income household and to have your kids basically raised in daycare, because that's what others do; and add a dog and your life's complete, because that is what you are "supposed" to do. 

Follow the crowd, follow societies measure of success and happiness and do what you have been conditioned to believe is what you are "supposed" to do. 

Live your life that way, while searching for the "pre-conditioned" success and happiness measured by the same people and society who conditioned you, and let's see why so many people are...UNHAPPY, suffering from depression or experiencing some level of self destruction.

When you are conditioned from birth to live your life this way and in accordance to others desires, rules and expectations, your conscious and subconscious mind are in conflict, it's a constant battle. There is no peace. 

You can think of your conscious mind and your subconscious mind as male and female. This is the law of gender, another universal law. Gender exists in everything. 

If a husband and wife are constantly battling, it results in unhappiness among other things. They may try methods to work it out and to stop the battling, and eventually many result in divorce. They split up.

Well, one cannot “divorce” or "separate" themselves from their subconscious mind, so what do you think happens if the conflict and battling doesn't stop?

Misery plain and simple.

And because that misery is internal, it will (and I assure you), manifest outwardly in some destructive form or another. 

There is no shortage in the world of unhappy people: alcoholics, drug addicts (any kind of abuse) etc.
Unhappiness rears its head in many ways not those just pointed out here.

And there will be those who argue though that these types of addictions are hereditary, and they are right. They are right because everyone is conditioned from birth and for generations. Its literally a generational thing.

You were not meant to be, to do, to have or to become anything other than what you desire to be, to do, to have or to become.

You weren't. You were born with consciousness and a subconscious mind with free will to live your life every day in the manner you so choose. You were not meant to be conditioned to live your life in accordance to the desires of any person, group of people or society, or to do so because that is what you are "supposed to do". 

If you think that if everyone thought this way there would be no doctors, no lawyers, no scientists, no any profession, no advancement in technology, you are dead wrong.

There will always be people who want and who desire to become any one of these professions, and who are not driven simply through conditioning from someone else's desires pushed onto them.

Think about this; every now and then an individual is born who, no matter the amount of diligent upbringing or lack of, no matter strict conditioning or financial back ground or lack of, they will become what they want to become. 


Because they are born with the natural inclination to follow what they want, they follow their desires and they refuse to be denied that right.

We call it "driven". 

Ironically, we usually celebrate these people when they have achieved all of those accomplishments, even if in the long run, we didn't agree with choices they made along the way due to our own conditioning and need to put our own limitations onto them.

We call it "beating the odds".

In the end we revel in their achievements and hold them high due to what they have accomplished, all the while completely and ignorantly unaware that the person did it through his own want, desire and refusal to be held back by the imaginary limitations set by conditioning.

In today's society, we celebrate the 1 or 2 in 10 people who actually succeed in making achievements as in the above scenario. That too is because most people have been conditioned to believe that these people are simply "extraordinary".

The reality is this: 

It's the 8 or 9 people out of 10 in society (and this includes family members) who have been conditioned to believe that they have no power to attain their wants and desires and could never be extraordinary. 

In turn, they want you to do what they do; "what you are "supposed to do", which is based only on more conditioning, and serves absolutely no real useful purpose for anyone. 

You have been manifesting your tomorrows for years without realizing it, and your life today is the result good or bad, happy or not. If you could learn how to control you're manifestations (and you can) and to step out of the conditioning that has molded you, you could create and dictate the life that you want rather then trudging through life allowing it to dictate to you. 

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